PT Bintang Tehnik Utama

Established in 2003, in which we are engaged in sales of technical equipment of compressor equipment, Lifting - Jack, Purifier, Power Tools, Hand Tools, Air Tools, Test Equipment, Tool and Motor Car Workshop, safety equipment, car elevator building. PT Bintang technique also accept repair of a wide range of tools and techniques for open workshop Consultancy Car and Motorcycle. We provide leading technical equipment of some European countries, Japan, USA, Taiwan and China. We also have a vision to be a leading Trading Company in Indonesia and provide technical tools at competitive rates in the market. Our commitment to serve customers the best possible way. We look forward to serving the customers with the best possible.

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Distributor Alat Teknik di Jakarta

PT Bintang Tehnik Utama merupakan distributor / supplier terpercaya yang menjual alat teknik terlengkap di Jakarta. Kami merupakan grosir alat teknik terlengkap yang telah menjual banyak alat teknik di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Beragam merek alat teknik terkemuka tersedia disini. Anda dapat mencari dan membandingkan beragam merek alat teknik dengan mudah. Dan juga dapat menemukan daftar harga alat teknik, spesifikasi alat teknik. Produk yang kami jual merupakan produk original dengan kualitas terjamin SNI dan harga murah.